Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Monday Morning Meme-down, 11/01/2021

 The Monday Morning Meme-down, 11/01/2021

If you’ve read my previous post, (which you can read here) you’ll know that my Facebook days are numbered.  I’ve angered the algorithmic gods too many times with my offering of fair digs to right wingers, referencing the Simpsons in Simpsons meme groups and other low-level tomfoolery and the slightest utterance of certain swear words will almost instantly see me do another thirty stretch in the electronic doghouse.  As a result, I’ve been forced to go underground, do all my sharing of memes on WhatsApp and probably given time, the likes of Signal and Telegram.  However, I enjoy being able to look at what memes I’ve been passing around like a fat joint at a Snoop Dogg appreciation party, months or even years  after I was doing it.  Facebook’s memories/On this Day function give a window of insight into that.  For an avid meme sharer, the memes you were sharing at a certain time give a reflection of the cultural zeitgeist you find yourself immersed in – the politics, the music, the critical or fan reception of films, TV shows, games, books etc.  From now on, I’ll be aiming to show the previous week’s memes every Monday in order to catalogue and archive these things.  On Tuesdays, I’d like to do Tuesday’s tunes, maybe some insight to any songs I’ve been listening to in that period.  This will undoubtedly be full of guilty pleasures and hopefully a few well kept secret songs I find through the likes of Reddit or other’s peoples’ recommendations.  Thursdays might be ‘Thursday’s Thoughts’, this will be whatever whimsical ponderings I’ve been thinking about in recent time, with a couple of almost clickbait-style articles – ‘The 10 Best Things I Did in 2020’, ’10 Other Things I did in 2020’, ‘Belfast vs London: Living Experiences’ (which I had thought of already, but I should also point out, the very articulate Kieran Majury did a post about his own experiences here )

I also, have to announce after having multiple tell me I should have a podcast, or that they were waiting eagerly for my next episode of “The Worst Ever Reading of Ulysses”, one random Instagram follower going as far as to say that it was “Based”, a complement to suggest that even pushing 34, I may well still be “down with the kids”.  Now without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the memes of the week, this particular week being heavily influenced by the events in the US Capitol.


Enough politics what about the standard funny ones?

Spending a lot of time with my mum's cat, seems somewhat accurate.

My Simpson's meme appreciation is through the roof

General fear of killing my mother pops into my head all the time.

Ah 2009/10.. what a time to be alive.

Combining two of my favourite things..


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