Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Star Wars Rewritten

If you know me, you'll know I absoloutely love the original Star Wars trilogy.  I grew up watching it with glee so it has a huge part of my heart.  As a teenager, I cared a little bit less for the preequelbut I loved the expanded universe and the world building that had gone on in them.  As an adult, I've taken a real disdain towards the sequel trilogy and no, it's not because of the "SJW pandering" which right wingers will complain about, much like Star Trek, Star Wars should be more inclusive and have characters of different ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations, it's just that the stories the films told were neither engaging or sensical.  That's right, I'm complaining about the sense made in a science fantasy film series, but I do this because the original trilogy, for the most part was able to tell a simple yet complex story which posed as an analogy for either the Vietnam war or the WWII (depending on who you ask, or the particular film involved) with both reasonable word and time economies.  Very little of A New Hope, or Empire Strikes Back feels supurlfuous in terms of advancing the story or character development.  Return of th Jedi definitely isn't on the same level, but I would argue, the brilliance of some of the scenes, makes up for the slightly more questionable pacing and structure.  Overall, the first three films could do with only a little bit of tidying up..  Get rid of an incestuous kiss here, an alien jazz band there and maybe a slight re-write of one or two scenes, dialogue wise.  In that last regard, I decided to rewrite one scene which has always bothered me as an adult, not solely because because Robot Chicken so deftly took the piss out of it, but because I just feel it could have been handled a little bit better in the writing stage.

That's right.  The scene where Leia, after losing her own planet and everyone she's ever known has to comfort Luke, showing how much more of a strange teenager he is compared to the well adjusted, ass kicking diplomat, Leia.  In my mind, it could go something a little bit closer to this.

Luke looks downward sadly, shaking his head back and forth, as the princess stares at him understandingly.

I can't believe he's gone.

There wasn't anything you could have done.

It's not just him.  If I hadn't told Uncle Lars to buy the R2 unit, he and Aunt Beru might still be alive.

You can't blame yourself for the Empire's actions.  Otherwise, I would never forgive myself for what they did to Alderaan.

I'm sorry.

This is why I fight them.  This is why I'll never stop.

I will join you.  We will do this together.

Han rushes into the hold area where Luke is sitting with the princess.


Come on buddy!  We're not out of this yet!

So it's not perfect, maybe a little wordy and I'm aware Luke is supposed to be a bit of an annoying bratty teenager, but I feel this way you get at least a hint of resolve and a reason to follow the character a little bit more.  At worst case scenario, this would be "closing" some part of the character arc, but I don't think so.  Anyway, that's my two cents.

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