Monday, June 08, 2020

The Lockdown Masturabtion Conundrum

This is a piece that I originally wrote for stand up, but decided it works better as a blog piece than anything else.  Please note artistic liberties have been taken regarding things like sex drive.  It's not that low.. and well some other parts too.

So.. lock-down.. it's been.. GREAT! I can take some tie out to show my mum what kind of human being she raised. A fucking thirty three year old manchild! I am able to say that despite growing into my goddamn gorgeous looks a little, I am still the lazy loser geek I've always been. You see whilst some of you have been learning new skills, being creative with your sourdoughs and twenty five push up challenges, I've started playing Dungeons and Dragons again! I can feel my virginity growing back every day. But that's OK. Because I'm 33. Sex.. it's over. Look, as soon as the average man hits thirty, his testosterone levels drop by about one percent a year. In my case it's more like ten which is why my plans to get prison-hench in isolation haven't been going that well. I started lifting weights so I'd have a real “don't drop the soap around me” look. I even tried to give myself a mohawk to scare my cat. You know, walking round like I'm 90s Phil Anselmo.. He was a muscular ex racist heroin addict turned metal bad ass. Instead I look like a racist doughnut addict. Or an Aryan Brotherhood rentboy. “I'll suck your dick for a pack of cigarettes Mr White Man” I might appear sculpted but I've my pecs are smoke and mirrors. Humps, lady humps, or perhaps even camel humps, because ladies, gentlemen and every one of you beautiful sentinent beings on or outside of the gender spectrum out there, I can now identify as a wank camel.

And I chalk this down to the fact that with low testosterone I now have the added superpower of being able to go a really long time without.. shooting fast swimming genetic material out my flesh cannon. Yes, I can go for about ten days in a row before I suddenly stop and think “My goodness, my balls feel so heavy today. Perhaps if there were some way to drain them, I would feel so much lighter and aerodynamic!” Which is lucky for me because my masturbatory tendencies have been entirely encroached upon by one person. Rupert Murdoch. Nevermind the fact he'll probably install more 5 G towers to give us all COVID 19. His parental shield on Sky Broadband prevents me accessing certain websites of uestionable moral integrity.. before midnight. Don't ask me why his parental shield seems to drop after midnight. I can only assume he employs some good natured mogwai who consume the pornography and prevent it from getting to me but when those four zeroes line up, they have to be removed fro the server lest we hear “GIZMO! GIVE ME BRAZZERS!”

So I'm basically the Cinderella of handsheathing the meat sword. Except in reverse because I get to the ballllls at “the stroke” of midnight. You're probably thinking why not use your imagination or just scroll a little bit more tactically through Instagram. Cultivate it so that only practically pornographic pictures are coming up. Get all the hash tags right - #thicc...penis. But my imagination doesn't function that like any more. I'm 33, gone are the days when fourteen year old me could stick on Countdown and bang one out into the coal scuttle over Suzi from the dictionary corner. And somewhere since I was fourteen and now, Channel 5 decided it was somehow, too cultured to show soft core porn. I know it's utterly ridiculous the channel that has brought you such uality programming such as ASBO and Proud, The Sex Business: Swinging both ways, OAPs on the Game and World's Most Scenic Railways decided “hey you know what? We don't need to pretend to have sex any more.”

Because that's what soft core is – they used to show this drama programme on Channel 5 with Moulder out of the X-Files where he would go off and investigate dirty stories and write them in his big dirty story book like one where this sexy female bounty hunter is tracking down a sexy buff criminal on the run from the law. Can you feel the sexual tension? “Oh my, they're gonna bang..” and then you'd get a series of steamy sex scenes where they might get topless but you'd be damned if you're even going to get a peak of anything more because the likelihood is that they were likely just pure dry humping in slow motion. Being a soft core porn actor must be a shit job, I mean you're expected to have a slightly higher standard of acting than a hardcore porn actor, probably get paid less money and have to leave set with a set of balls that are so blue they resemble my bald epileptic mate's head after he had a fit whilst walking down a flight of stairs. Anyway, the only benefit of being a soft core porn actor is that you can have a small penis. In fact, fuck it – you don't even need to have a penis. Nobody is going to check. Essentially, I'd be great at it. My sex drive being as low as it is means that since lockdown, I've only increased the number of days I don't have sex each month by ten percent. So pretending I'm having sex would come naturally for me. Maybe that's what I should be doing with my career. Otherwise, who else are they going to get? Some very monogomaous married guy “Um no.. my wife says it's not cheating if I only lick your nipples and don't go too rough on your aeriolas. God says it's only adultery if there's penetration.” So yeah, going to look into that career option – gyrating my hips back and forth like I'm failing at the hoola hoop.

I can't believe that when I was fourteen and watching those shows, I would have to engage in domestic espionage just to watch them. If I wanted to cry having and let loose the protein tadpoles of war I would have two options – one – feign tiredness and go to bed early, waiting for my parents to do the same, then sneak around the hallways like the Solid Snake of masturbation like an over eight year old trying to catch Santa Claus deliver all the Christmas goodies or option two, program the VCR with codes from Radio Times like I'm stealing crypto-currency from a deep web drug dealer. At the time I even had a network of spies sharing dossiers of dirt that they probably don't even print any more. I don't know if I could look at 'Reader's Wives' any more, never mind cover it in my DNA PVA. I don't have that pre-teen porn-sharing secret-illuminati any more, so what do I do? Go up and ask random eleven year olds if they've got any top shelf magazines? Are you fucking kidding me? Eleven year olds have learned Filipino knife fighting from YouTube by then. It'd go

Hey kid.. you got any di-”

Have that you paedo Aryan brotherhood bitch!”

With me shooting blood out of sixteen different places out of my neck.

I did think of calling up my old cum happy comrades from back in the day but figured it'd go something like this

Yo Wee Ryan!”
Um nobody has called me that in twenty years, I have a wife and kids now...”
Wee Ryan, that's great and all, wonderful reconnecting after all these years. Listen you don't have any dirty magazines? Hello? Hello?”

So maybe you're thinking – why nt ask your mum for the account details? I mean she's a grown woman, she can undertand sometimes you need to wrangle the pinkest of salmons. Well.. the thing is, I have done. We had a whole

Mum, erm is there any chance.. I can get the broadband passoword?”

It's on the back of the box.

Um.. no.. the account login. I need to change something that's blocking.. legitimate websites.”

Oh? What kind?”

Umm... gambling.. under 21s.. 21s.. uhhh jacking black.. blackjack!”

Well I'll take a look and let you f I find them.

Great! Thanks mum, love you!”

Despite telling her that I love her, she has not found the details. So I decided that perhaps the reason that she hasn't is that she knows that Dad never sat down to have “The Birds and the Bees” chat and sadly he passed away ten years ago. So I decided what any horny teenager with a dead Dad would do.. draw a pentagram on the floor in my own blood and summon the spirit for my old man.

What is it son? I'm shagging the ghost of Suzi from Countdown here..” he said, in a Northern English accent.. which he seemed to have acuired after death.

She's not dead though,. Dad.”

Look at her.. no woman in her fifties can be that attractive. Unless she were a vampire..”

Do vampires have ghosts? How do you do it anyway?”

What do you mean how do I do it? Your other's still warm, I've got to shag something to pass the time.”

I mean.. it.. shagging? How do I shag?”
What do you mean how do you shag? I've seen you shag. Terrible techniue. Much smaller penis. You definitely don't have your father's package. Definitely got it from your mother's side.”

Well could you just tell me.”

My ghost dad sighed.

When a man loves a woman..”


Why are you asking this?”

Well I feel the reason mum isn't telling me the Sky Broadband parental shield password is to stop me from wanking because I've never had 'the talk' with you”

No, it's because she wants you to do something more productive than wank all day. Also she'd much rather not walk in on you shooting your man milk into the coal scuttle in the middle of the day again. Grow up and get a proper haircut. You look like you'd suck white supremacist penis for half a pack of cigarettes.”

I write almost entirely for fun and because I love storytelling, but if you're feeling generous and want to throw a coin or two my way, below is my paypal tipping address.  A fair amount of the money I spend these days goes on either writing classes or tipping other artists for bringing us cheer at this grim time, so I wouldn't say you're wasting too much if you do.   Christ that last sentence is even more try hard..  What a virtue signalling piece of..

Paypal Link

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