Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Tunes - Daft Punk Split

 I haven't got too much to add on the subject, because I was never crazy into DP.  I liked them, but I didn't follow them, deep delve into their music or see them live.  I remember first hearing this song as a kid and having no idea who it was but loving it and the accompanying video

Then I went through a minor phase of listening to them, 2ManyDJs, Soulwax etc. when I was going through the nu-rave/electro-indy phase of 2007-2010.  

What I do find interesting is that no-one knows why they split.  Was it a deep rivalry or competing styles, "creative differences" or was it as I suspect the fact that they had done it all.  They had made films, become memes, won awards, had millions of dedicated fans all over the globe, defined genres and created the music they had wanted to make for almost three whole decades.  Maybe they were "music'd out".  Will we see them creating more music in time to come?  Who knows.

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