Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday Tunes 12/01/2021

 My taste of music might be awful.  There are reams of songs, particularly from the early naughties which I am fond of.  I really don't mind a lot of Nu Metal songs, nor do I mind a lot of mainstream rap from the same era.  For a man not a fan of homophobia, I have played DMX tunes constant times despite his "show no love for homo thugs" or incessant use of that slur synonymous with bundles of kindling.  I mean this is my most listened to 2020 list.

See that top one?  That's a weird grime song where rappers like Stormzy rap about getting socks for Christmas, whilst Mr Biggz informs us that "It's a pony for a pumpy", which I feel is the most British gangster thing since the Ice Cream Wars, or Michael Caine said "You're a big man, but you're in bad shape.."  

The second top one?  ALCOHAULIN' ASS.  Which I felt was my "escaping London in this fall of Roman Empire/Will Smith I Am Legend time period" theme tune.  Then moving on, we have a couple of "synth-wave" or "outrun" music i.e. electronic music for sad sacks like myself not cool enough for house or techno, but feel that the ever geeky throwback to 80s computer games and Scarface soundtrack tunes is more in line with my "slightly edgier nerd" ethos, a multitude of slightly more obscure than usual classic rock tunes "because I'm an old head in a young-ish body", "desert rock" and even WWE entrance themes.  At least 50% of that playlist is guilty pleasure stuff.  So I am, trying to "grow up" with my music taste, even though the clock is ticking as according to some studies, we stop discovering new music after 30.  I am four years overdue in this regard.

So what have I discovered in recent time?  Well, I've been aware of these guys for at least a year but my soundtrack of January 2021 is heavily dominated by these fellas.  

Speaking a language, I don't understand, playing instruments that I don't even know what they're called, The Hu to me have two modes - ridiculously catchy and ridiculously epic.  Seeing as gyms are closed, leading to my main form of exercise being walking, I need either of these two things to keep me going.  Maybe when these multiple lockdowns calm down I'll find myself engaged with another group or musician, but until then, I'll keep pumping out these jams.

Until then, feel free to drop me some musical recommendations at zeromalarki@gmail.com

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